Revolutionising the wine experience
Revolutionising the wine experience
James Halliday’s 2022 Top 100
James Halliday’s 2022 Top 100 feature was published in The Weekend Australian newspaper on Saturday 19 November.
James’s introduction, list of wines and his tasting notes are now live and freely available on our Cellardoor Challenge website, James’ 2022 Top 100 wines. Our feature also includes a link to each winery’s website and their top 100 wine to help you purchase direct from the winery, while stocks last.

We know wine and technology
Our mission is to transform the way the wine industry engages, communicates and sells wine to consumers.
Our founders — James Halliday (Australia’s foremost wine authority), Judy Pridmore and Dheeren Vélu have a unique combination of wine industry and technology expertise.
The Cellardoor Challenge
The Cellardoor Challenge was launched by Junovate to promote and support Australian wineries (when the coronavirus outbreak began).
Our original mission was to feature 500 wineries and 1000 wines in 180 days. We’re proud to say we now have over 930 wineries and 2100 wines showcased.
We wanted to give our winery’s biggest fans (us!) the opportunity to help by sharing our stories and talking about the wines and wineries we love. What better way to encourage wine lovers to buy wine direct from wineries!

Market-leading solutions
Junovate specialises in developing digital and advanced technology solutions for the wine industry.
Our services include technology development and the go-to-market rollout of websites, mobile apps, webchat, chatbots, virtual assistants, social media and kiosks.
We’ve also built a unique conversational AI platform and consumer insights engine trained in wine (drinks and food) that powers Juno and our range of virtual assistants.